Thanks for playing the game. The gun shooting is from something the engine handles and it's annoying with dealing with it. I got it to where it's not that bad, but the engine does that if the bullet doesn't come from directly center of the model and having it like that looks extremely weird. The hit boxes for the MC were made to hit all the edges of the sprite. The second level's intro cutscene is a little long. I like how the checkpoint system is now where if you die, you just have to restart the mission. It allows me to make easier levels and levels that are harder and takes more tries to learn so it all seems more seamless as one coherent mission. It adds to the difficulty as well, maybe I might need to add an easy mode somehow. With the death animation, it's 5 seconds and it's mostly there so players can see what killed them, study the level so it doesn't happen again and prepare for restarting. Mainly since some levels are very fast and you can die easily.