This was really great! I love how you describe things and your prose is great! I only found a few typos and some mistakes with the grammar, but other than that, it was great!
Oh, it's nothing major! I doubt many people would mind (it's just that my grammar buff brain caught it, lol). I didn't get screenshots for everything, but I do have two!
"Yet things has gone sideways when the prince you were to supposed to protect are cursed" should be "yet things go sideways when the prince you were supposed to protect is cursed"
I also have this:
"If you were to die, you'd like it if your funeral are filled with" should instead be "If you were to die, you'd like it if your funeral is filled with". Also, you switched the tenses in the sentence " You stood in the doorway." From what you previously wrote, I got the impression that it should have been present tense instead of past, so it would be "You stand in the doorway."
The grammatical errors I found tend to come up when you use "are" for sentences and transitions that should have "is" instead. There were also times when the tense would ping pong between the present tense and the past tense.
But don't let what I've said drag you down. Your writing is vivid and very immersive! This wip has great potential and I'm excited to see where it goes next! A few grammatical mistakes isn't the end of the world and, seeing as this is a beta demo, are to be expected! Have a great day/evening/night!