How I LOVED and HATED this game at the same time!! The ideas and puzzles are some of the best I've seen in a while, and I found them clever in many ways. But having to solve them with the temporal loop of 5 minutes was... how to say... irritating! During all the time I played to periApZYs (many hours over 4 days!!), I stayed stuck, pested, then made progress, and stayed stuck again. A big part of the solution has to be guessed and is never really given, but you have everything at your disposal to find out. So you have to do all the connexions, and that is really challenging with the credits showing every 5 minutes. And when you finally access the hidden areas and reach the final machine, you think that you are finally rewarded for all of your efforts. But you didn't anticipate the fact that a last and challenging puzzle was awaiting there!! And unfortunately I've never been able to solve the 2nd part of the final puzzle with the green glowing spots...
So yeah, I loved but hated this game, and even if I didn't succeed to finish it, it will remain in my memories as one of the most amazing Myst-style experiences ever. It's true that the game doesn't shine by it's ergonomy, gameplay and graphics, but everything is neat, done with passion and a lot of care to details. Even the music is great, if you consider the fact that the theme of the jam was to make all the audio with mouth only! And when I listen to the tracks, they just sound as if they were made of some kind of weird instruments, but certainly not with mouth! And the result sounds good, I like it. I could say much more about this game, but honestly try it and you'll understand. Just be aware that you won't be taken by the hand and that you will never be helped to progress. It's up to you and your brain aptitudes to solve this crazy experience. Honestly I'd love to see a full game based on this, a kind of 3d remake with more modern technology to help convince more players to give it a try. There's a huge potential in periApZYs! If I had the time and money, I would create the remake myself. I'm really fascinated by what Yaz has created in 3 weeks... Well done! I certainly don't get out of it indifferent, and I think that's the mark of a good game! -Simon