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(1 edit)

Thanks! Weirdly I've never played Ghosts n' Goblins but I initially thought of making levels that were based on it. That's why the outside area is very similar to the first level of Ghosts n' Goblins. I appreciate that the coyote time was noticeable. I couldn't tell if it came through. And thanks about the animations! I've been trying hard to improve my pixel art. Also I wanted to have some way to actually beat the boss but I realized I had not combat mechanics, so grabbing the book it is. Haha.

The sound issue you're referring to isn't a glitch but rather a stylistic thing that didn't work. I purposely had the music stop once you get the book and I just didn't bother to have it start again because the exit was so close that I deemed it not necessary. In hindsight, I should've had it start back up. I definitely did notice the bugs on the climbing because there's an awkward issue of climbing too close to a wall too. I hope to fix that issue as well. It definitely was not optimized code on my part. I tried to combine two different mechanics with climbing at once and it was... definitely buggy. Haha.

I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I plan to hopefully soon go back and redo all of my old projects with improved skills, art, etc. Hopefully I can do it within the next year.