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A member registered May 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Check the controls on the game page. You can use WASD to move the camera around the level. 

Amazingly, the NES game didn't come to mind at all while making this. No idea why it didn't. Especially since I stole its title. Haha.





I originally had the duck sound behind every kill, but then I realized if I leave it only on when you're out of ammo, it's like the duck is laughing at your failure. Haha. 

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. There are definitely some issues in the AI and commands that have to be accounted for. I plan to come back to it eventually and improve upon it. Hopefully, I can make it even better.

You have to face a direction before you can move in that direction. I have the allowed commands on the game's main page down in the description.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it at least for a little while. I could tell it was gonna get tedious but my ideas were gonna take way too long. Definitely wanna make a better version of this. (Possible idea, maybe you can earn upgrades in the form of shorter/better commands?)

I noticed that same issue with the enemies when I was play testing after submission. Definitely an odd bug that I'll fix in an updated version.

Thanks! I really appreciate it. Over nearly 10 years or on-off game dev (very amateur level), I've definitely learned a lot. I hope to make an even better, more polished version of this eventually.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Definitely will add more actions down the road. I have some ideas for improving it such as possible teleportation (at a cost). I definitely felt the animations were too slow. I actually had an idea that I wanted to implement that would let you undo your last move but would've taken me so long to build that system. Haha. (I also kept dying that same way too.) I didn't think about the similarities to NecroDancer but you're definitely right. It's got some similarities.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm definitely gonna make plans to tweak it and turn it into something better.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I hadn't though of that, but yeah you're right. It sort of does. I wonder if I could make a speed run version where you have limited time to type in commands and it feels almost real time. 

I'm glad you liked it. I've always seen command-based games to be a fun concept and I decided to finally try it. I plan on trying to polish this game and publish it (probably just for free on my page). I'm glad you liked all the aspects of it. Impressive final score. 

Exactly what I've been working on for the last month or so. With minimal success. Hopefully one of us can make it work. Haha.

Thanks! I knew I had to make something small and simple with the time limit given. And thanks about the pixel art! It was my first time trying to create something original without reference. 

Thanks! I had wanted to implement that but I was already pushing it on the game jam time limit, so I didn't want to overdo it. I'm glad you liked the pixel art. It was my first attempt at really trying something without reference and just going for it.

I had the same error when I was testing. Haha. Yeah, I tried to make the physics for the black hole realistic but in my rush to get it working, it didn't turn out too great. I definitely hope to fix it eventually.

I saw it on Twitter. I appreciate you trying my game! I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks! Haha. You'll have to credit one of the hosts of the PaletteJam for the music. I'm glad you liked the art and UI. I'm glad you enjoyed the random events too. I originally had a very minimal clone of Breakout but thankfully the ideas came to me and I was able to implement them before time ran out.

I'm glad you liked the new additions. These ideas you mentioned were actually ideas that I had but didn't get a chance to implement them. Glad to hear someone else thinks these improvements are good ideas so I will definitely try to implement them in an updated version later on.

Fair enough. I used to be a massive Breakout fan when I had a copy on my dad's old PC back in the early 2000s. I wanted to make a simple yet slightly more interesting version. I hope it was at least semi-fun. Haha.

Thanks! I actually didn't like them myself. I wanted to tweak the frequency at which they would generate but forgot to. I'm glad you liked the color choices and graphics. I wanted to try to be as minimal as possible while still looking cool. 

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks. I mainly wanted to try something different with limited time. I wanted to fix a lot of these bugs but unfortunately lost a few days due to travel and work. The music was repetitive to me too. Music is not my strong suit.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

Thanks for sharing these! While I still need to figure out the technicalities of making it work, this is exactly the type of visual reference I needed for other projects.

(1 edit)

Thanks! Weirdly I've never played Ghosts n' Goblins but I initially thought of making levels that were based on it. That's why the outside area is very similar to the first level of Ghosts n' Goblins. I appreciate that the coyote time was noticeable. I couldn't tell if it came through. And thanks about the animations! I've been trying hard to improve my pixel art. Also I wanted to have some way to actually beat the boss but I realized I had not combat mechanics, so grabbing the book it is. Haha.

The sound issue you're referring to isn't a glitch but rather a stylistic thing that didn't work. I purposely had the music stop once you get the book and I just didn't bother to have it start again because the exit was so close that I deemed it not necessary. In hindsight, I should've had it start back up. I definitely did notice the bugs on the climbing because there's an awkward issue of climbing too close to a wall too. I hope to fix that issue as well. It definitely was not optimized code on my part. I tried to combine two different mechanics with climbing at once and it was... definitely buggy. Haha.

I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I plan to hopefully soon go back and redo all of my old projects with improved skills, art, etc. Hopefully I can do it within the next year.

Thanks! I definitely wish I had more time. I started very late and didn't get in the play testing I had hoped, but one future project I keep wanting to do is go back with my improved skills and make "perfect" versions of all my old previous game jam games. Hopefully I can make it happen!

Thanks! I appreciate it. It was a lot of work but definitely worth it.

I wasn't trying to fit exactly an 8-bit style. I was going for my own style that's 8-bit while also modern. I  just like the 16x16 sprite size.

That's either a browser or computer issue because I have SFX on my end on all levels.

Are you referring to the boss level music? There's ambient background sound and SFX in all levels but there's only boss music on 1-3, 2-3, and 3-3. What do you mean by an "upgrade"? And the drops are a known issue. I just didn't have time to fix them. They kill from the sides but not the top. It's just a hitbox size issue.

Thanks! It helped that I had been working on potential metroidvania/platformer ideas for a while ahead of time so I basically had "optimized" code ideas . I had a dash idea for another game that I want to try. Believe it or not, the wall jump used to be even stronger until I modified it. Haha. Despite not being something I normally play, I enjoy the concept of making a game that people can explore and speedrun so I might try to make a project like that coming up.

Thanks! I appreciate it! I did notice the glitch with drops and bosses that they can actually land on you but for time purposes, it was too funny not to keep in. Haha.

I'm glad you liked all the aspects of it. I've been working a lot to try to learn how to do solid platforming controls.

I'm glad to hear it was just the spamming the button issue. I've run into this in previous games. This game used the Dialogic system (by Emilio) in hopes of avoiding that issue. Apparently it's something I'll have to program around. Haha.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

I must've forgotten to mention it in the controls, but if you hold the down arrow during the how-to, the scrolling speeds up. I plan on trying to redo all of my old game jam games over the next year or so and I will definitely keep that bug in mind. What OS were you playing on? It worked fine for me on my Linux machine but I didn't get a chance to check every aspect on all options.

Thanks, I appreciate it! I keep wanting to try to recreate Zelda-esque games on Godot and some demakes or upgrades. I want to remake Zelda NES for GBC but I know it's been done before.

Noted. In future games, I'll make it more obvious.