Thanks for your feedback, Rupert.
When I played Artefact, I found the agent questions daunting and too restricting. "How did you help them complete the quest", for example, assumes (1) they completed the quest and (2) you helped (instead of hindering or getting in the way or just looking pretty). I wanted something more open ended so a player could take the game in any direction they'd like, and I wasn't entirely comfortable with the entire "chapter" being based only on a couple prompts that didn't work for me. I also wanted to delve a bit more into the object's thoughts and feelings, and the world in which it exists.
Time of rest is there, but I haven't spent much time on it. I don't use a timer myself, which is why I include statements like "about a minute", so I personally haven't utilized the tables much. The types of rest in Artefact I also find confusing. I'm a huge fan of consistency and of not needing to rely on the book much once you know the basics, and multiple acts with multiple types of keepers and rests overwhelms me easily. I'm willing to revisit it, though, if you think it's important.
(Now I want to write a one-page reference sheet for people who already know how to play. I'll have to think about that when I'm done.)