So chapter 18 gives us a lot to work with and I found it interesting that Argos tells us that the letter that everyone thought was from Clemet wasnt him. It is signed with a P. Hermes in his delirious state is constantly talking about his old man AkA zeus. SO my first thought when he said that the old man had got the deed as soon as clemet died makes me thing the old man at the beginning of the game is Zues. But now who signed P.? was it the peacock from back then? Asterion said that it could be from the 12. So I think Poseidon. He has been brought up a good few times, often mentioned that he helped create Asterion. But from the little quote we got. " I'm sorry for not being good enough." I am not sure what it has to do with him since i been unlucky and have not pulled his vote. Or is it a surname for Zeus? HErmes said is old man is trying to do whats right. What do you guys think?