It is sort of helpful since I sort of get the basics, but I don't know chip-8 as well as where to type the chip 8 code so I need to know where so that I have the opportunity to start the build. I looked at your example which is really cool. Do you have a video recommendation that helps me get basics down for chip-8 code? Also, for your game, I don't know where to go after i grabbed phone, charger, both right and left socks and shoes, coffee filter, pants and stuff, so where would I have gone next on that too?
Octo doesn't have any video documentation, but there's a great deal of written material on the Octo Github page.
You might start with the Beginner's Guide, which doesn't assume any previous experience with programming or CHIP-8. You can also just try editing one of the example programs and clicking "run" to see what happens. Sometimes breaking a program can produce spectacularly interesting results!