Thanks for playing!
Whaaaat, that picture actually looked good to other people? I thought it was kinda bad XD
I only used stock music 3 times on three separate occasions (always when you encounter a new type of enemies or traps, as something of a gimmick but I can change it if you don't like it). Do note that the music used during the market and transformation scene were not stock, there were 'Freshing your EYE' by koosin486 and 'Rapid3' by PeriTune.
Yeah, I think the storytelling is pretty confusing, but I honestly don't know how to tie these scenes smoothly together. I'll try harder next time, though. Also, the intro and the prologue were supposed to take place in a completely different time, like months apart, but I guess I didn't make it clearer in the game. In the rooftop scene she was trying to get a better view of the sky but there were people blocking it.
That dungeon was taking place in the Argetrai with its inhabitants fighting you for reasons that will be revealed later. I guess I'll change the layout into some kind of a road that the Stoneguards were traveling on, so it'll serve more purpose than being just a dungeon. I think I'll add some notes that you can collect to read more about the lore as well.
The tutorial images were blurry? That's weird, I thought it looked fine. I literally just press printscreen and use the image as it is without changing size, resolution, or anything.
I think there were 2 technical limitations that you may be talking about, one is where you can get stuck in a wall during invulnerable frame and other where you can't use the teleportation after the first dungeon. The first was a legit technical limitation, but the second was something I could fix given enough time. Do note that it wasn't lampshading for fun, but as a guideline to the player so they'd know what to do in case they encounter these issues.
Yeah, I thought the frame where you're preparing your aim made it too slow during playtesting too. I think I'll remove that frame in the next version so the movement will be smoother. (Which is a shame since I spent some time making that frame, but it seems that it has to go) I'm actually planning to do a combat overhaul in the next arc of the game (not the next version, the next ARC) with WASD control and mouse to attack. And also maybe learn some JavaScript to create custom plugins for it.
The scene where they all died were....well, it's kind of a long story. Let's say I didn't know how to do stuff quite well while making the first dungeon, and that scene (and the other one a bit after that) was a demonstration of it. This problem was solved in the next dungeon, though. I think I'll remake the first dungeon to make it less janky.
Wow, your comment gave me a lot of ideas and feedback I desperately needed to improve my game. Thank you for taking the time to review!