Thanks for the entry! This one has a lot of potential. The mood and feel that you have set up, especially in the outdoor part in the beginning is great! I love how you've set the scene with the sunset palette, the blurred trees in the foreground, and then all of a sudden you see what is going on with these buildings and it's fantastic! It took me a minute to realize what was going on but then I was like WTF!
I love descending into the caves also. I think an easy thing that you could do is ever so slightly darken the screen as you go further and further down; also maybe have torches on the walls or something, etc just for some variety. Good job on the acid pits!
The enemies are ok, but attacking and combat in general seems pretty bugged. I ended up just jumping over pretty much all of the enemies to advance into the level. The boss seemed a bit bugged too, but I love the idea of a huge cobra/snake that you have to fight! I ended up using the punch or magic or something on him, but when he got all the way down nothing happened. I assume that is the end of the game.
The collision seems a bit off as well; I think that there are some colliders that have hard angles (90 degrees or close) that stick out of the ground, especially further down in the caves near the bottom. I would be running and stop for no reason and have to jump.
Overall it was fairly enjoyable though. I would say the biggest things are the bugged combat and colliders. If those got a little more work and attention I think the whole experience would be more enjoyable.