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any plans on a quest/quest 2 version? understandable if no since the regular vr mode needs steamvr

(1 edit) (+1)

I am looking into that right now. It might be possible, but depends on how difficult it is to convert.

Converting it to OpenXR should allow it (and SteamVR can handle that as well so folks with Vives can still use the same version as well). Though I'm only vaugely familiar with it or SteamVR.

the biggest downside is the lower power of the quest. you'll have to squeeze out every optimization possible.


OpenXR had some issues previously and from what I understand I need to use a workaround to get SteamVR working. Because of that I keep delaying in the hopes that Unity will work that out. Then again, I have been waiting for quite a while and it might be better to just bite the bullet.