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good sound effects and theres a lot of graphics adding to the environment, felt pretty complete

liked that there were different styles you could try. shooting from the dark as fun

i think having a visible trail for the bullet couldve improved the shooting though

the interface looked really polished as well

the easiest way to play  is to just exchange hits with enemies over and over (since there isnt really a consequence for death) which i dont think serves the game well

also it didnt delete the save files when i pressed new game 


Thank you so much for your kind feedback! I really appreciate it. 

In terms of visible trail (path prediction) for bullet - there are currently 5 weapons in the game - 2 of them have non-deterministic path (the ray angle has one of 7 values), there is one weapon that has a ray - sniper rifle. Also laser kinds of give you very specific feedback on how the path looks like as you can see the beam. 

In case I misundersstood your point and you ment just the graphical trail after shot - I was actually trying to implement it but I failed :D. I just couldn't make it look "natural"? I experimented with line, particles and so on and just couldn't make it "work". 

In terms of difficulty - it really depends on which achievements you want to focus. My previous game received feedback of being too difficult and I thought it may actually be good idea to make the death "non-punishing". Of course if somebody wants just to rush through the game - as you say just pushing forward, making direct fire exchnage - he/she can do it but there is no way that somebody will receive "careful" or "pieceful" achievement in the game doing that. I tried to make the achievements very varried encouraging different types of playstyles :).

Regarding the save files - thanks for spotting it out! Have you played the online version or did you download windows version? :)

it was the windows version