Not at all, please ask away! Characters have always been my favourite part of storytelling so I'm interested to see what questions you have!
Yay! I'll start by asking about the very first character I wondered about: Orena.
The first thing I wanted to know is if Orena is even real, or if the goddess is a myth. And if she WAS real, did she really create the river that runs through Burnea with tears of joy from hearing the first bird song? And if she WAS real, is she still around?
That very first little information tree made me wonder about the religion and god/desses of the land. Did you have a concrete idea of what was real and what wasn't?
Speaking of the information tree, I wanted to simply applaud your implementation. I love how I could click on important names and find out more, it pleases that very curious nature of mine, and it felt like my character thinking, instead of say, me looking something up in an index, taking me out of immersion.
Apologies for the delayed response!
The way I've kind of been thinking about the world building is somewhat akin to what I do for my own ttrpgs. Generally I like having deities as real beings, but stories about them may or may not be true. In this case, Orena is real, is still around/in existence, but I don't know/hadn't decided on whether that bit about the river was true. Mostly I wanted to have it bc it's based off of the spring in Delphi, which I was able to visit and drink from myself while I was there. (The same folklore exists about creativity after drinking the water, and the Pythia used to bathe in its water before doing sessions.)
And thank you so much! I can't take much credit for it - I only have minimal experience with playing text games like this, and this was the implimentation I saw that I liked, so I'm just echoing what's come before me and worked. :) It's definitely a sleek way to implement the possibility for more lore and world building that players can choose to dive further into or not