The concept is there, but I felt personally there was a bit to much chance involved. I didn't really find much reason to manipulate the ball with the magnets, since I didn't see where I'd want the ball to go. I think a slightly more outzoomed game area would make all the difference here - if I could see where the ship or the birds were earlier, I'd need to plan a lot more and then the magnet thing would be really cool. But when you finally see the ship, it's allready too late to do much. I ended up just trying to rotate the magnets out of the way and rely on luck - and that's also a game but I don't believe that was your goal here?
Would love to try it again if more of the area was visible. :D But then again, watching the screenshot - it looks a lot more zoomed out. Perhaps there is a zoom-key or something I've missed? :o