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This game is incredibly impressive! There's an amazing amount of features and systems in here. I know you said you used your own engine, but I'm still impressed. I even noticed the enemy vision systems. That's a great detail.

I do thing there's a lot of potential to this game, but as it is now, it's not very fun. However! There are obvious paths to making this game feel beyond a game jam: varying weapon effects, more levels, more enemies, player sounds like a lot, but you seem to have gotten a lot of the busywork of making a game out of the way. Be proud of this.

As you said. About the last two weeks, I had to make a new plan to finish the game in time. At that time, I had to choose what needed to be done and what needs to be cut off.

Then I had to do a structure of all the dungeons according to the story. Then take the rest of the time to fill in the details. This way is quite certain that the game will be finished in time. But the downside is the game is not fresh.

For example, clothes In the game there are only the clothes of the characters and the only "shirt" that can be taken on the dungeon. Even though we can create a lot of costumes from the character customization program. But because there is not enough time, so we can make a sample one "shirt" to let the players know that when changing the outfit, how will it affect the status?

But...this is a Game Jam. I am enjoying it very much. Maybe if there is a chance, I might remake this game as you (and others) recommend.

Thank you very much for everything.