Thanks for this great feedback! Glad you like and gave me ways to improve it, since you miss things in the rush of getting things setup and testing mostly on your own.
I was not aware about the posibility of droping in the crate spawn, it might be because the collider is set a trigger instead of a collision so the rigidbody goes through it. I recall setting up with a sphere raycast to ensure that it won't spawn thing when something is above it, maybe the trigger is a left over of the initial implementation. Thanks for pointing it out.
I agree on setting the camera, I made some "half walls" to prevent getting block, since I couldn't implement a shader to make things invisible, but I should have extended that as a default for horizontal wall that might case a negative impact.
The FOV could have been different, it was a hard decision but I found a solution, by implementing chase and attack minimun required distances to ensure a more "predictable" behaviour. Increasing the FOV is a good idea.
Thanks again for the great feedback. Now I got very define points that must be fixed.