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(1 edit)


I wanted to try your game but I am getting an error when selecting a level

Uncaught TypeError: e.path is undefined
    <anonymous> <a href="
    EventListener.handleEvent*</a> <a href=""></a>

I'm on Firefox 92.0 on Arch Linux


Hello there,  thanks for pointing this out. I can actually trace the point where things go awry (thanks doubled for the accurate report). It seems custom events are picky, but only on linux... Really strange, I'll look into it. For the time being the only suggestion is to try chrome, even if firefox too was working for others and for me. Sorry!


Well, that was fast... it seems I lost compatibility with firefox (and safari) refactoring the index file just before submission. I knew it was too easy to be real, that thing that let me cut some six lines of code. I'm not sure I can update the game now, so chrome is the only option available to you, but at least we are sure linux isn't the reason behind this.

(1 edit)

Yes, I can comfirm it works in Chromium :)

Thank you for trying again!