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Dude, serious props for making a fighting game! Obviously the AI and such are just too much to deal with in such a short time, but what you have is impressive for just 3 weeks.

Loved the end of the fight.. right before he dies he pummels you.. wow, great touch!

Haha, you may have found another bug! His death animation is just supposed to be falling over. Maybe he caught a few on ya before you ended him. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!


Haha, no! The whole fight he blocked until I stayed away long enough, then I punched him 5 times. Repeat until he died. Then once his life was gone I lost control, the leaf man did a little dance, a then he punched me like 10 times before falling over. I LOLed so loud!

Hope you get a chance to rate my game and leave some feedback, too!

For sure! I’m at an event thing today but I’ll definitely check yours out! Thanks again!