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(11 edits) (+1)

Thanks so much for going to all this effort and letting us know about these bugs you found. It's such a complex game to code, lots of actors talking to other actors, with all sorts of different states to track across the surface and underground scenes. I spent many many hours debugging and knew I wouldnt be able to find all the issues when I played through time and again - especially since we were on a tight schedule with the jam. Its unusual to find someone happy to playtest for bugs at all so I really appreciate you taking the time to put all this together.

The highscores for each level are the dev highscores we set (having played the levels over and over). They are pretty hard to get. Many of them, I think can only be equaled.

We will look into fixing these bugs asap. Thanks again!

(2 edits)

Really great game! Both the graphics, mechanics and design of the levels.

If you are interested in bugs I've found:

  • in world 3-9, the sign showing the exit is ticked instead of displaying the amount of ore required
  • when you get a gem in a level, if you self destruct the gem won't appear again although you don't really have it. You need to refresh the game so that you can properly take it while finishing the level
  • for some reason, if you self-destruct first, then level select in a "multi-path" level you will reappear in another level than the one you were in

Regarding high-scores, I finally equated or beat them all (2-11 was really difficult to find the correct trick to equate it). Several levels can be beaten by 1 move, while 2 levels were hard to equate because I was off by 1, which led to a bug I'm not sure of: for some levels it seems that the end count can be off by 1 sometimes, and sometimes not. Doing the same circuit on level 1-10 gives 61 or 60, so I had a hard time equating the high scores. For level 2-11 I had the same issue were I did the exact same circuit twice and only equated the high score the second time. Since I beat almost half of the level by 1 move, it seems to me there is something off with the final count in some circumstances.

Anyway, that was fun and interesting to play, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

Rad, thanks so much!

I think that when choosing the level select option in the pause menu, the game is not resetting a bunch of variables and so we will need to look at fixing all of that - it is clearly bugging out lots of stored variables when returning to other levels.

The crystals currently don't reappear in a level if you get it and then leave immediately, I wanted to make it so you would need to collect the crystal AND complete the level in order for that progress to save (I even designed a few levels that incorporate additional interesting puzzles just with that in mind) but ran out of time in the jam.

I have recently recognized that the move counter can sometimes count extra moves erroneously - we will definitely be fixing this!

Congrats on getting the high scores! It makes me really proud to know that someone out there cared to challenge themselves because they enjoyed the game so much. I made this game for people like you!

(1 edit)

Oh ho! Back for the v1.1 update! ;)

Extra cinematics are a nice addition. Did another bug test shakedown:

-World 1-12: Underground standing right in front of the pipe grate on the right side of the map, if you try to move right into the open space, it pushes you back as though there were floor spikes.

-Can't get high score star graphic on the mission complete screen after already getting high score.

-Got the optional true ending. After the credits and after talking about having gotten all the crystals, a cinematic thanked me for collecting all the crystals, followed by the frame calling you PARTNER. After this however, the player states "not everyone can be an artist", and the cinematic about the crystal job offer replays, then spawns me in world 3-8.

Few other previous bugs present:

-High Score still seems to be counting steps anomalously. For example in world 1-6, repeating the same steps/path gets 37, 38, 33, then finally 32.

-In world 2-9 you can still drill down through the left most pits when filled, and the hard tile just above them.

-World 2-11 self destructing still warps you to the left side of the map.

-World 3-9 ore counter sign is still ticked.

You know, trying to move to the fourth planet shows a minus sign and blocks your progress, but no such sign appears on the left most planet. Hmmmmm... Bonus levels? :D

Overall great progress, keep it up!

You're  a champ for helping us out this much! We are still working on fixing up the move counter - its a hard one to solve at the moment - but the other bugs are fixed. We will release another update in time when we have fixed up the counter. Thanks again.