Hello, unfortunately, I have no experience with 2d lights and shadow casters in Unity. But maybe one thing that could help would be to not have these shadow casters attached to the Wall tilemap in individual room templates but rather have them attached to the shared tilemaps where all the room templates are merged into.
After a level is generated, I find all the tiles in individual room templates and combine them into a set of shared tilemap layers. That means that walls from all room templates are merged into a single large tilemap layer. What I propose is to not add shadow casters to walls in room templates but rather add them to the shared tilemaps where corridor connections are already processed. You can first try that manually: generated a level and then inspect the game object in the scene hierarchy, find the shared Walls tilemap layer and add the shadow casters.
I’m not sure how much experience with Edgar you have so feel free to ask additional questions. I may also try these shadow casters myself if you give me some additional instructions on how to do that.