Crude Data Storage is not used for increasing the amount of commands that your bots can handle. Instead it is used for copying the commands of one bot to become the commands of a new bot.
For example, I have a bot named “Plank1” whose commands are to wait until it hears another bot shout “GoPlank” (because the Plank Storage is not full) and then will take a Log from Log Storage and cut it into planks at a Crude Bench Saw until it hears another bot shout “StopPlank” (because the Plank Storage is full).
If the FarmerPlayer is holding in its hands a Crude Data Storage and you have control of this bot, you will see next to the “Stop/Go” button two diskette icons. The first diskette icon is labeled as “Backup”. Click on the “Backup” icon and the commands of this bot will be backed up to the Crude Data Storage, as shown below.