Hi there Dries Van Gijsel, and what a name XD... First of all, I can not make a gameplay reivew video about your game as it is a browser game and I have it in my rules that I can't play online game (for my personal reasons). However, I see that you need help and I have did spent some time testing the game and I found that:
- The mechanics are good and music suits the game and it is synchronized with gameplay.
- The style is simple and very well done, I really liked it personally.
- There is three heart before you lose a life, but here what I do not get it! You lose a life, then all the apples you collected restart again, I really don't see the point of having more lives if everything is restarted. Just let all restart without having lives or give something to the player like leaving the apples he collected.
- Hitting the bombs takes a heart from you, even if they do not explode (it is a little bit unfair because you can not do anything about it once you are so close to the monster who shoots the bomb at you).
I hope these small points help you with your game. All the best.