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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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I can not end this game. Where is the kitty?

This was literally the shortest game I have ever played. But it was fun :)

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Don’t really understand what you are saying but yeah it gets harder every level ;).

Glad you enjoy it though. It was the first game I made and published here…

I thought it was cool concept but I still don’t know how to expand this idea into something more interesting…

Sometimes a game is what it is perhaps..

Thanks for commenting.

Share what? Sure where do you want to talk?

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Thanks. I filled the form again. I am from Belgium so I am not a US citizen…

I did some research and I know what they mean by TIN number…it is indeed like a social security kind of number that you can see on your passport so I gave that…

Hopefully this is ok..

But yes I will contact some local tax bureau to be sure if I do everything right!


Sorry to come off as a noob but I am no tax master…

I’d like to publish a paid game one dag but I had to do this tax interview. SO I did..but I don’t know if I did it right because there was a part where they asked you if you had a EIN number and you could choose. So I could choose “no” because I had no idea what it was.

But what are the consequences? Is it better to give your EIN number (or named else I’m from Belgium)..maybe I have to do this tax interview again?

Can I generate income without giving an EIN?

I did the option “collect bu” btw…

Can someone enlight me better in this matters?


(2 edits)

hey there!

I have a facebook blog about the game which I will update regularly.

Link: (feel free to like and subscribe).

Since the game will do it’s first launch here here I have created this place where you can already post your thoughts, comments etc to make this game as good as I can.

So got something to say? Feel free to share with us.

Thanks for the Kickstarter postmortem…yeah srry I came for this only but wow thanks…

I am a solo indie and I know it’s hard to make your game shine but every little tip I can gather is good.

I am impresses in how much work yo guys did in marketing. Hats off to you guys and good luck with your next game(s)!

Glad you like it! Yeah it should be working fine on android so I guess you have a blast haha…

There are a few ways you can get ahead of the attacks so good you found a way ;).

Thanks for playing!

It’s an older game of me but if you want you may review it. I haven’t got many people want to review this properly.

It is a more retro styled platformer but could be fun.


Cool game man! I played it and liked it instantly. Simple yet fun!

I even loved the old school soundtrack. Brings back memories.

Thanks for the trip!

Thanks…glad you saw more of the game so you could see it is indeed Pretty Fun allround.

I get your Point too about adding a little more to make it more juicy .

Perhaps it needs a little more punch…so that Will be my next challenge.

I thank you again for playing it a little Longer..

Thanks! I made an update already of the trailer.

I got a lot of the same feedback about the text and rectangles so I removed all of the text…

You can see the new version on the same YouTube Page if you like.

You think it’s better without text?

Thanks again.

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My game is finished ans i have made a trailer.

Is it fun to watch? You don’t have to nitpick or so don’t get me wrong. Just an overall impression.

Or if you have any ideas to improve it please share.


Itch.IO page


I released my game as “finished”. Is it a mobile adventure platformer game with a story…so if you like old school platformers certainly give this one a go.


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Hey guys,

I have put a trailer on line for my game.

Like it? Do you want to play the game after you watch it?


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Thanks for sharing your experience. I have put a game on the gamemonetize website last year but only got like a couple of dollars.

Yeah i published a game there accually. I haven’t Earned much just some bucks ..but maybe you are right and it’s a bit scammy…


I was wondering if People have good experience with them. I am planning on putting another game on those websites but i can’t find a lot of reviews.

So anyone feel to share his or her experience?

hey, I have made an update on my game. Added particle effects, better dialogue boxes etc…I think the first level looks really great. What do you guys think?

Played it for a bit. I think it’s allright….controls feel ok. There is some strategy involved that is fun enough to explore your game.

Only thing is it might feel repetitive after a few stages, but that might be taste. Try to keep it fresh.

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Hello there,

There is a person who has played the game and contacted me to tell that he took a snapshot of the first boss getting stuck in the floor while he stomped his head…

I was wondering, are there people who made it to the first boss and encountered the same issue? Would those people please let me know?

Oh and please continue with testing my game!


Hmmm I Will check this out. Thanks for the comment!

ok that’s a good point.


Will be changed

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I have put my game on line again. It is early access but you can play it mobile now so give it a shot..

It has a story too. It is about a young boy who has to rescue his brother after he was been taking by UFO’s.

Please tell me what you think. Even if you just play the first level.

(2 edits)

Hey hey,

the development of my game is getting further towards the end.

I have put a playable version of my game on line and playable on mobile(!).

Right now I will revisit each level and make the necessary adjustments. I also have some now ideas to implement so that will surely by done.

  • better text/dialogue system
  • upgrade mobile functionality
  • Level design choices *…

Ok t’ill later!!

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I have made a beta version of my platformer game. It is now playable on mobile so I want someone to go through it and tell me what you think.

Even if you just play the first level I would be graithful…

Sure there is some things that needs to be upgraded but you can play it to the end now if you want.

Give it a shot.

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I am creating a new game for some time and I have worked with a composer who made about 4 tracks for my upcoming game. It is the first time I worked with a composer and I am very pleased about the result and the cooperation between us.

 However, are there people in here who also have experience with woking with a composer or make original tracks for their game?

I just want to talk about how much do original tracks upgrade your game? Do yo get noticable more people who want to play your game? Are the sales better? Is there a bigger attention for your project?

I am curious because I will release my game soon and wondering if having original composed music really takes your game to the next level...

So I hope there are people who will share their experience and let us know in what way it makes your game better (or worse maybe...;))


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Hey ZakariaGhorfati,

Thanks for your reply. Yeah you did what I asked, and no of didn't need to make a video about it please's still a game in production so I don't want to show it to the public now. But it's great to have a reply altough my game is indeed a browser game and not your standard project to review.

I am glad you liked the game overall, that the mechanics are good and that you like the simplistic artstyle.. Just reading that gives a good indication that I am on the right track.

You pointed out a bug/glitch with the bombs. Haven't seen it but I'll check it out as soon as I can. Like I said there are some bugs and inefficiencies so that's totally fine.

About the restarting life and score/apples. Ok I can understand, maybe when you restart the apples you don't have to start from zero..but..

.when you say you don't understand the reason of having do know that there are some more levels after the level you played don't you? The lives are needed because you will go on a multi leveled adventure with some boss fights between it. Correct me but I don't think you have played them.

I mean that's ok, I already can't thank you enough for giving this unfinished project a go,  but that is the reason why I need lives.

So thanks for the help.

 I love all tiny bits of info and comment I can work it. I am now making the third level and it's going good so yeah i'll keep you guys updates.

i use phaser.js and very happy with it

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hey i have a platform game that is about halfway but id like to know if it plays right. There are some bugs but it is perfectly playable. 

If you like would you give me a review? It doesn't have to be all good points  i would like to know where i stand. The most important thing id like to know if it's fun playing or not.


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Hey if you like you can Try mine. It is a demo of a retro platfofmer game which has two levels...

It is only playable on desktop for the moment so give it a shot.

Id like to know if my game is enjoyable or i can see if i am on the right track.


hey, I have a not yet finished game but i'd like to know what people think of it already. It has two levels and it is a platformer adventure called Jimmy's Wild Apple Adventure.

Sure there is some work to do but it's perfectly playable so, if you guys have time and feel like trying my game you're welcome.

I'd like to know of it's fun to don't have to nitpick everything...just the overall feeling it's going into the right direction ok?


(2 edits)

Hey, my game is not finished but I still would like to know what people think of it is an old school platformer adventure game and it has like two levels...just wondering if it's fun gameplay and if it's too hard or not.

If you want would you give it  go? It is ony playable on desktop for now so mobile won't work right now.


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Thanks.  I will surely take notes of your comments. 

Thanks for playing !

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hello there,

I am a Phaser.Js developer and I am working on a platformer adventure. Right now I have two levels with a boss at the end of each level.

There is more to come and yes it got to be shaped up here and there but still...I want to know what people first reactions are when playing these two levels?

It is desktop played only right now so mobile is not available.

So how wants to give it a shot and just tell if it's fun or not? It is not about the minor flaws but just tell me in general if it is appealing or not. I care more about the good things then the bad right now  because it is still in development(but all comment is welcome of course...)
