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Hello, I am not a part of this game jam, but I would like to assist in the process by giving my thoughts through the four categories!

Enjoyment - The game was rather simple and short, but it managed to hold my interest.

Concept - I'll admit the game had me slightly intrigued to see how the "Light" is a bad thing, and what the protagonist means. I'd like to think enough thought was put into this game, to be able to expand on the concept if/when they decide to expand upon it. 

Presentation - Probably the best part of the game, I got a decent sense of the tone and it did its shift well. Strong "The Thing In the Lake" vibes from this game. Controls were simple and clear. Kind of wish the protagonist's sprite for fleeing the monster wasn't the same as his neutral sprite. 

However (Note to developer), I think I confused the game code by going into the closet you find the lighter when the monster chased me. So when I went into the closet soon after, and the monster despawned like it normally should, the ending didn't trigger.  I was confused what to do, so I reset the game and went straight to the closet and it went to normal. May want to fix and/or account for that if you plan on expanding this.

Use of limitation - Honestly I think you're skirting the limitation here. I know the monster is meant to be an enemy, but neither the monster nor the protagonist have a name so they're on the same level of "Character". (Especially if this monster in an expanded version of the game is going to be this game's equivalent of an AI that's always out to try and kill you)

Overall- I liked this! As a demo, this is certainly a game that has potential to expand! 


Thank you for the feedback!