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First thing that stood out to me was that this game was very pretty. All of the designs were great, and the models all looked like they had a lot of love put into them. The music and sound design were also nice and gave good feedback when using the mech's abilities. It was a lot of fun to move and fly around like that.

The difficulty is a bit high. To be more specific, the spawn rate of enemies is so rapid that attempting to defend your ship seems like a losing battle as you are slowly overrun. The only way I was able to win was by ignoring my ship entirely and bum-rushing the enemy. While it was still fun to do so, it did mean I had to ignore an intended aspect of your game. If you ever make a system like this again, I would recommend sending foes out in bursts or waves, that way the player has to switch between play styles to counter the threat, and the time between waves leaves them an opening to attack the objective.

Overall, a great addition to the jam! Nice work.

Thank you!

I've gotten a few complaints about the difficulty, so I'll be posting a fix after the jam. A wave system is actually a really good idea, I may have to implement it.