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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah same... there was going to be a punch out segment of the game to finish it all off, but I followed the fun a bit too much with the platforming part and ended up not having the time to finish it. Thanks for the review!

Very fair about the enemies, but I was running low on time and it seemed like the fastest solution. Thanks for the praise!

Loved all of the customization touches added into the game! It felt like I was able to make something I was comfortable with. Game had a pretty big spike in difficulty at the last level, but it was fun either way!

I can see where this concept was going! Shame you ran out of time, this could have been something really silly and fun with some extra time.

I loved the concept! Very original! I think it may have just been the randomness, but I just got the same guy I had to sell to over and over again, which took some of the fun out of it for me. Might I suggest making it so that they are taken out of the pool when used? Other than that, solid execution on the theme.

Nice work! Good visuals overall! The game's aesthetic made it feel like an old game you'd find on a super nintendo. If you threw in a CRT filter, it would have sold the look completely! Only feedback I can think of is that the audio is way too loud by default and the enemies barely scratch you when you get hit, making all of the slower more armored characters feel superfluous. 

Simple, cute and short. playing this game as fast as possible was fun. I feel like the lack of sound does hurt it though. 

This felt like a classic flash rage game with how tough it was, but that's not a bad thing! Made for a good challenge! I wasn't able to finish it, as the timing required to get past the U shaped map was too strict for me, but it alright! I appreciate taking the celeste approach of fast respawns, though it did feel a bit jarring at first. The background noise kept getting louder and louder as time went on, but maybe that's just a me problem. Not bad at all, but it does feel like it could use a little more polish with stuff like added sfx.

I loved the concept for this one! I wish there bit more, but the game is pretty easy to simply replay. The simple pleasure of causing collateral damage is always fun to tap into. The designs of the robots were also very charming! You can't go wrong with TV heads! Solid work!

I was only ever able to get one wave to spawn, and the game runs a little fast, but it wasn't half bad. The upgrades I tried seemed rather small, but I imagine things would get more and more elaborate as the waves continued, though I probably would have had a hard time keeping up. Music and art were great and did a really good job of selling the "city under dire threat" vibe you were going for. Good touch!

A solid game all around. I really enjoyed moving around my stats in real time, and it added a fun dynamic to the game. quickly swapping between speed and heat made dodging around the bosses rather fun.

A nice little minigame collection! If y'all plan to do something like this again, maybe go with a WarioWare approach! Could be fun to have to quick swap between these. I got everything wrong for the quiz lol

Basic, but easy enough to play. Just becomes impossible after a while.

Played the game to completion and had a good time. The CRT filter did a lot to tie the game's look together! I never found out how to use the shoulder weapons, and even after pressing every button on my keyboard I still never saw anything happen with them, but otherwise this was a nice experience!

If you do go back and do a quality of life update for this, let the players have some more feedback for the final mission's goal's health, as I thought the game wasn't working for a bit with how much it took to take it down.

Nice job!

Excellent game here! Love all of the little jokes here and there in the design phase. I played the game for quite a bit, and while it was fun, it did feel kind of slow at some points. It reminded me of old flash games I used to play! Honestly, if you sped up the game a bit, I think it'd be perfect.

Nice work here!

I couldn't figure the game out in all honesty. The turn system had me move tons of pieces before ending the turn and I could on get jumping to work when mashing the controls, just pushing the respective buttons with intention didn't seem to do anything. I think the lack of feedback coupled with jumping being a quick time event for both players made the experience kind of awkward. I think the idea was there for something, but some extra time would have helped work out the kinks.

(1 edit)

It might just be the fact that I came back from EVO, but man I was itching for a fighting game! It was a little tricky to get the hang of, but this is easily my favorite entry that I've gotten the chance to play thus far. The aerial attack was a bit finicky due to how you can't move when throwing it out but can while it's active, but other than that the game was great. The art and music were both stellar, and I loved the designs of both the pilots and the mechs. It reminded me of SNK Vs. Capcom on the NeoGeo Pocket! If I had to throw a small criticism, the block does feel a bit on the strong side and can turn some moments into games of chicken with who is plus or minus on block, but that is very much a nitpick. I'd love if this got a 2 player mode at some point! 5 stars all around!

If I end up finding the time, I might even take a shot at doing some fanart of this! Let me know if that's cool with you and I'd be happy to share it! 

Great concept, I loved the idea behind the game! Adds a fun bit of duality going between the two different gameplay styles. Gameplay wise, I did have a few issues, notably the frequent crashes. It is very easy to crash the game if you press q an item is thrown into the scrapper. The combat also felt a bit plain, but that was probably just due to how difficult it felt to earn any money in this game, leading to me not unlocking the more fun items. I'd say tone it down a bit at first and fix that crashing issue and you'd have a very solid game on your hands! Nice work overall!

Loved the concept! The game was great overall. It was a fun idea that was executed well. The mech design was also great too. The mech felt pretty weighty so it felt like you had to do things with intent, and I liked that. I do want to note that despite beating the hard CPU, I never fully understood how drifting worked, mostly due to it just randomly stopping out of nowhere and forcing me to correct a lot. Still fun either way and one of the best entries I've played so far!

Simple but effective. Music was a bit loud compared to the sfx, but the game didn't suffer because of it. I do think it is impossible to beat the boss and survive for more than a few seconds after, but still good.

As a fan of bullet hell games, I found this to be a little easy, but still fun. The dash felt unnecessary, but I appreciate its inclusion! Not bad!

Looks like you caught onto the inspiration! Jak 1 was the base of what I was trying to make. I wanted the attacks to be something you commit to, but someone had the idea to let you jump cancel the kick, which might have been more interesting. I just didn't want the kick to be as safe as it is in jak, so I made it into an alternate jump.

For me, it felt like the sfx and the music would be fighting for control, usually towards the start of the waves. You actually listed the issue yourself, so you're already ahead of me there.

Ah scope creep. I've been in enough jams to understand how that feels. Sorry y'all couldn't get in everything you were hoping for, now that you've described it I can see what you were going for.

I really liked this one! The wall riding felt a little superfluous due to not being able to get more height or shoot, but it was neat. game controlled well and looked pretty good! I loved the design of the player mech. I don't really have any notes, just a solid entry!

It took a bit to figure out how things worked, but once I got the hang of it, I had a nice time. The game is a bit easy due to how you can kinda cheese the enemy by placing a bunch of walls around the generator, but it was enjoyable none the less. I do think the game could use another pass for sound balancing to even some things out though. Nice work here.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. By looking at the comments I guess I'm supposed to throw stuff at the mech, but nothing happened when I did, they all just bounced off doing nothing on the off chance I hit it.

The game felt a bit bare bones on my playthrough. The melee was almost always a bad idea to go for as it just leads to you getting hit a lot, there was no feedback on the special weapons either switching or being used so I'm pretty sure I never got the chance to see them in action, and the enemy's method of fighting kinda just lead to me mindlessly circle strafing them the entire time. There were also some crashes when I selected certain opponents. Personally, it just didn't feel like there was much here I could have latched onto.

A simple, but overall fun game. While things felt a little basic, it was well executed. My only real complaints are that the gameplay was a bit dull. I was expecting at least one or two sections to really focus on either platforming or combat, but neither really took the reigns at any point. I was mostly surprised that the dash slash never really had a moment where its mobility uses came into play, but perhaps either I missed a secret or there just wasn't time to do more.

A solid entry for sure.

Yeah, I was going for something like a classic ps2 platformer. Low amount of mechanics, but everything has multiple uses. When under a time limit, simple but effective is my usual go to.

I'm surprised that the controls felt "jank" to you. Admittedly, I did make the character's air mobility rather high and the punch seemed to throw a some people off with how it is aimed where you are going rather than looking, but other than that, everything else is responsive, snappy and instant.

Your comment on the checkpoints is completely fair. There were originally less, but testers had a lot of trouble in certain areas so I added a few in before some of the rougher encounters. I wanted to keep things hard towards the end and felt adding one in after just one tough part made it less interesting. I thought it'd be better to make it so you had to do multiple hard things back to back instead of just getting constant do-overs. Then again, I'm the guy who already knows how to do everything, so maybe I'm not the best judge on that front.

Thanks for the review!

I think I can see what you mean about the powerups. Didn't really cross my mind, but I'll take that into account and learn how that's done, as it'll likely be helpful going forward. 

To get past the golden walls, you have to use the pose ability listed in the tutorial. The bars probably could have been explained better. If you collect 15 energy (shown by filling the blue meter halfway) you can use your super attack. The gold bar shows progress. When you have gathered 30 halos, you have access to the pose ability, which will destroy the golden wall closest to the arena.

Thanks for the complement!

I think I did a pretty good job for my first try coding a game!

(1 edit)

This was an amazing entry.

Before I get to what I loved about this game, I want to play fair and note the opposite first and get all of the bad out of the way. It's the RNG. Dice tend to hate me irl, so I'm not surprised they were unkind to me here too. By all means, I do think the dice should have a negative on it, as you said in another post, it'd feel toothless if it didn't, but with the odds of not getting time back being 1/3, it sucks when you're like me and get four "-1"s in a row and die on what would have been a good run. The last level on normal fuse mode frustrated me to no end because while I feel I mastered the mechanics by that point, sometimes the game just commanded me to die. I got stuck on it for the longest time. My suggestion for a fix would be either to have only one negative space (probably the "-1" or heck bump it down to "-2" now that it's the only one there) OR to have the dice be unable to land on the last number it rolled. Outside of that, it mostly just felt like the fuse was tugging on a leash to keep me slowed down as I would have to stop playing to get some extra time. There were some good spots to just let your dice rest and not want to pick it up instantly in the last level, so maybe I was just bad at spotting moments where you should just let the dice roll. In short, the last thing I wanted to do in the game was funnily enough, was roll the dice.

Okay now for the part I actually want to write about, THIS GAME IS FANTASTIC. When the first thing I want to do upon learning the mechanics of a game is lab out using them, you know you've got something special. I'm really glad I chose to play slow mode first as it gave me time to get used to the controls and movement. It's a bit of a steep learning curve, but once you get it, oooooooooooh boy. The tech you can pull off feels great, and I'm particularly fond of doing all of the moves back to back (throw > dice kick > divebomb > regrab > dice jump). Gunjumper is also very cute and well designed and I enjoyed playing as her. The collectibles were also a lot of fun to get as most of them made me feel like I had to use my abilities to the fullest to reach. I made sure to grab all of the powdered donuts on my normal fuse run. Another thing I need to praise is the respawn time. I'm so thankful you took the Celeste approach and just brought the player back immediately. That alone cures a lot of potential frustration. This game was a genuine treat and I enjoyed it quite a bit. 5 stars across the board. Glad I follow you on Twitter and was able to see this on my feed!

Great job.

Also if I can find the time, expect some fan art of Gunjumper at some point! 

Interesting idea, but the execution fell flat. None of the games were all that fun to play, and I had to open and close the game about 15 times before getting them all.

A very simple and entertaining game! I really liked the concept. Some more polish could go into it, but I feel like anything I could comment about is probably already known.

Neat Concept. I would have liked to have seen more done with it, but it was entertaining.

I felt like I had no control over my actions whatsoever and the music was not only bad and grating but also off sync.

I liked the concept, but the game is so painfully slow that it's not any fun.

This game was just really slow and boring. I made it to level 5 without even needing to get into combat once. The mechanics are also really unclear once you do try to fight things. The mechanics of the game don't do a good job of explaining themselves, and when you figure them out, they aren't fun to use.

Though honestly, this game is just way too slow. Instead of every enemy taking their turn at once, each enemy takes their turn one by one and you need to wait for your turn to come before you can act again, leading to constant waiting.

This concept does have merit though. turn this into a puzzle and strategy game with a single large room and have all enemy movement predetermined during the player turn. Crypt of the Necrodancer would be great to reference if you end up going any further with this.

This just felt like a lower quality version Dicey Dungeons. While I liked the art, you claim yourself that you didn't make it so I'm not inclined to give you any points for that. The end boss also being literally impossible also killed any momentum this game had going for it by the end.

The game felt repetitive and derivative.