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Really loving the concept and the visuals! Don't think I've ever seen a VN quite like it before :D

I'm guessing I probably got the worst end of the 4 since I couldn't figure out how to move the thingie x3 Sorry, I'm not the brightest of sparks when it comes to figuring out any sorts of controls or puzzles, haha. But it was still a very cool ending to witness regardless!

Brought back memories of when a friend and I tried something like this x3 Though we didn't film it, and we definitely didn't make contact with anything from the other side, haha. We found one cheap in a shop though and bought it because it looked so cool and ornamental. We decided to give it a go despite neither of us actually believing in that sorta thing, but being horror fans, we couldn't resist. Got candles out and everything, but of course, nothing happened. Which is probably a good thing really, haha.