Wow!! Thank you so much for taking to time to cover this and write out this comment! I really appreciate the honest and helpful feedback :D The thumbnail for the video is so cool! I can't wait to watch it!! <3
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Initially, this was going to be more of a traditional horror survival story, but I decided to go the psychological angle. :D
For the UI, I used a Tyranobuilder prebuild and I'll tweak it and release a future update. As for the mistakes, I will look into that and edit those! I apologize for those errors, I made this in a very short timeline and deadline. I will make sure to make those updates!
I wish I would have had more time to make a longer title, but maybe I could continue this! I also left one of the endings open to that route. haha
I'm really glad you liked my game :D There will be more!!