Fun fact even if it is completely "removed" from the steam store it isn't from libraries. Also games are RARELY taken down anymore. Now it's more up to the devs. Sure there are still some rules but for the most part it has become way more... adult friendly? (That's a term I never thought I'd use in this context.) I'm sure I am unaware of a few facts but in short my point is your distrust in steam is likely from before adult games were allowed. Steam has redone a lot of their rules. Now if you are searching for an easy array of adult games, yes itch is better. I will admit that much.
Technically, my distrust in Steam stems from the fact that they implemented a region lock on all AO games in my country (completely out of the blue), which is not only not required by my country's laws but might even indirectly violate free market laws in my region. So when you say Steam has become a more adult-friendly place, you're probably right, but you should also be aware that Steam can and will pull that rug from under you if they ever feel it's the easiest option for them to avoid controversy.
You do have a point about AO games rarely being fully removed from Steam anymore, though. I guess unless Ravager gets some kind of content added during the EA period which directly violates Steam's rules, it's probably not at risk of being removed. Let's hope for the best so at least other people get to enjoy the full game :)
I was unaware this was done in some countries, and I apologize for my lack of research. I hope the issue is removed soon on your end. There is a way (or at the very least was, idk about now) to buy removed games. Problem is you would need to know the exact hyper link to get there. I pulled it off with one game awhile back thanks to I think reddit?
However that was
- Taken down by the developer
- A popular franchise at the time
- 4 years ago so steam may have updated their blocking system.
Anyways I hope things go your way. Cheers!