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Fantastic work in terms of polish, UI, etc. Just a few nitpicks:

  • The pause menu UI confused me initially. For some reason I thought the brighter button was highlighted instead of the darker one. Maybe it's just me — but you can fix it without changing the design if you stop the cursor from looping around at the top and bottom. The only options are Main Menu and Continue anyway, so the looping isn't really useful.
  • It seems you can't map enter as the Delete All button? I feel like that would be the perfect button because it doesn't seem to do anything else in-game, and it's easy to reach. I also couldn't map \ even though I doubt that key comes up within words.
  • There should be a back button for the menus (escape?)

Those are just nitpicks anyway.  Dunno what you're doing for the dictionary, but I love the word choice. It's a lot more interesting than your average typing game. I made it to the second boss, but it seems like you have to tank a few hits no matter what?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

  • I'll look into changing the pause menu. I mainly wanted it to loop for being consistent with the other menus.
  • You can actually map enter, it just immediately reselects the rebind option after you press it. I already fixed on my side but the demo won't be updated.
  • I'm not sure what you mean? You can press escape to dismiss the pause menu.

About the dictionary, I just tried a few I found online. This one seems pretty nice indeed. Right now you have to tank hits but I'll look into a mechanic to block damage.

Sounds great. And for point #3, I think it was the settings menu where escape didn't work, not the in-game pause menu. If I'm mis-remembering then don't worry about it.