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Will this include "stacking" enemy encounters? For example, you have a bunch of zombies standing there. If they all bumped into the player character, could you have a situation where the bad guys will all have combat happen on the same battle screen, with each fight taking place after another without leaving combat?

In MV and typical MZ, you'd fight a battle, leave a battle for maybe a second or two and then instantly be in an encounter again.

Does your plugin do anything about that?


You can have random encounters if you want but this plugin allows you to make all enemies on screen instead.

You can set each enemy to have its own graphic or to be one default graphic.

The enemies stack based on detection range of the enemy which is triggered.

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I think I'm confused...Tried to achieve enemy stacking in troops, but it's always one goblin/zombie, even if a horde gets me. Any help, pls?

What is your range setting?

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I'm gonna check this after work, thnak you for a sign of solution. 

Also, I wanted to ask, because every time you'll open the menu (esc key, I think it's because the scene refreshes?), the monster dissappears and reappear in different positions after closing the menu. Is this suppose  to work like that? Because you can "cheat" by doing this to make them appear somewhere else :) 

Hello, my Enemy Detection range is set to 8. Max Enemy Count also to 8, still, can't make it so the enemies makes groups.

I'll be focussing on this plugin tomorrow.

I see, thank you so much for your help. Gonna follow this!