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A member registered Feb 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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You can move the preload save file from the save folder of your project to the deployment version.

The preloader as of current version saves the images and audio used to a list and then preloads that the next time the game is launched

Good day, please see Map Motions Extension

Good day, patched.

Thanks for reporting!

I'll look into this, thanks for the suggestion 

You have the latest version with skip title set to 'true' in the parameters? When you set this to false, does it still lag?

The lag with images is persistent or simply loading? Is it possible to check with hue and without hue?  The preloader does not store hue changes or any hard image data other than name and location to pull the file.

When skip title is enabled? Do you have similar plugins active?

You should be able to use a script as well.

Enemy count can be gotten from $gameMap._enemies.length

To set a variable using script call, the code is $gameVariables.setValue(id, value) where id is the variable ID and value is the value to set it to.

eg: $gameVariables.setValue(1, $gameMap._enemies.length) will set the variable 1 to the total number of enemies.

To get the total number of living enemies, you need to filter the array:

$gameMap._enemies.filter(map_enemy => !!map_enemy._battler.isAlive()).length will give the number of enemies that are alive

Yes, you can do so via events

Thanks for the suggestion, i'll take it into consideration when I get the chance

Ok gotcha 👌 

Currently terrain effects are not exactly the most complex thing about the TBS system. You can set traps and status effects and even set terrain to affect battlers based on their movement layer but things like class and such specifics are not included at this time.

What does quick start do?

Any console messages since you set it up? Also, try setting the gauge to these values:

If error, please tell me what version of the preloader is shown from the plugin.

You need to setup your preload gauge prior to use from v1.0.0+

What are you gauge settings?

If using Visustella battle plugins, from last reports, it is said that the game would crash when an action requires the scene during TBS mode.

Seems like an option to toggle it's functions on/off, seems interesting. If I get the chance I'll see to it.

Awesome, thanks!

Hello, wanted to use this battler for a boss in my project but its size was waaay too big (SV Battler) so I resized it, applied a lot of anti-alias to it and then about strength 1 noise reduction.

Is this ok with you? The current size is a third of the original.


  1. It is not tested with visustella plugins. The design is intended for it to be standalone however meaning limited interference with external plugins.
  2. There is a script call to setup gaining bonds, but it requires using the actors themselves to be used in the script arguments and it requires item data. Plugin help has information on this.
  3. It is compatible with skill combo in that you can use that plugin to setup learning combination attacks which occurs during battle.

You can find the setting for number of decks in the card manager UI

From the plugin help, these are three note tags you can set on the enemy in the RPG Maker database.

The value used is divided by 255 to get a rate and all three rates are added together then divided by 3 to get a final rate.

By default, it already determines capture by HP, MP and TP by full scale.

I'll consider this in the future when I get the opportunity, it's a nice idea.

MV user I assume. Unfortunately, no, not right now at least. It would require modifying the pixi.js library directly in the case with MV

The line where it says "AudioManager.stopSe()" can be deleted in your case

yeah, I think in the plugin help there should be an exact format for directory ignore but you don't need to include the whole system in the path, remove all before audio.

I'll check it in a bit if anything but that path is definitely not it.

Hi there, v1.3 - Fix Enemy Select Window - RPG Maker MZ: FV battlers by Synrec (itch.io)

Yes it's supposed to appear, if anything, you can transfer the preload data from your save folder in test play to your deployed but can you tell me what you mean by no image selected causes game to fail?

On loading your game project, in the console (Open by pressing F8/F12) type $gameTemp.preloadList()

Is your audio file in that list?

Yes but there was an older version but since then the only difference between the two is supposed to be one uses nodeJS to determine the files and this current version uses the load data from initial play.

Now there's two things I need to ask:

1) Is this test play a battle test or did you open the project itself?

2) Are you able to view the waveform of your audio file to see if there is a silent period before the audio starts up?

no it is supposed to do so when you reset the test play not reenter the battle.

Was this a problem with the old version?


It will show equip slots based on default rpg maker slots. For custom equip slots, modification is required 

if reserved, does it still happen?

Are these videos preloaded?

It has been modified. To preload music, you need to run your project during test play once for it to be added to a preload list.

Once this is done, on the next boot, it will preload the audio file

Does the video still play?

Ok thanks