I might as well mention this, not sure if it's intentional or not. After I rescue Dave from a few slimes, a Dragonclan aura is set up to ward off monsters. The only issue is I didn't do this, I don't activate the savegate by the elevator, so not sure why it gets activated. I did press a "dragon seal" after Grace learns her Dynamite Heartbreaker to get a chest, was that what activated it?
EDIT: shutting the game down and coming back reset it as it should be... no clue what happened!
EDIT2: Might as well include this instead of maybe a new topic. For Toxic Haze and Blind Haze, they both require courage. For some reason, there's a difference between them. By that, I mean if my courage is as 12, TH will show it as 12, but BH shows is as 9 or 10...?