Day 6:
AKA "make the score visible by smoothly changing the background island and the sky & water colours"-HELL.
After finishing the non-optional art assets, I joined in on the coding adventure, today.
I worked a bit more through the start menu. It's mostly done but parts are still clunky or not uniform enough for my taste, but I won't waste time fine tuning everything now, when there's still the most vital task left.
If we do have time in the end, I might yet try to do a Pause Menu as well, though that's really optional with our ~2~3 minute game experience.
(So much work for so little gametime! arghhhh)
The Start Menu includes a Start Button, upon pressing which one fades into the gameplay scene.
A "Help" page, giving a short info about the objective and overview over the control schemes.
A "Credits" Page, including links to this GameJam, jays head's soundcloud and atm our Twitter (will likely change that to our profile, though).
And a toggle to mute the music (though, why would you??? it's beautiful)
I've recorded a video of the Start Menu and how the beginning of the game looks in motion:
We've spent the rest of the day struggling to try and make island images fade in and out when a certain score is met.
Onion managed to find a script that faded the first island and made a second appear, but to be honest, we had and still have no idea how it works, so we're struggling to figure out how to make the rest of it work!
At first it also didn't recognise when a certain score was reached. I'm proud to say that I somehow figured that out by adding a bool to our player script that changed to true when a certain score was met and then calling to that variable in the fading script.
Still, we can't figure out why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't and are far from also using it to change the colours of the waves!
In the coming days, we might just try and figure out how to do it via animations. I did manage to fade in and out a mono-coloured image for the scene transition, so maybe we'll figure that out, too. And it feels like that might be a much easier way to change the wave colours, too.
So if anyone has a good tutorial on how to trigger animations only when certain conditions in the scrips are met, let us know! Thanks.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less painful again. We're hopeful, but also a tiny bit panicked at the approaching end date, since there's at least two days where we won't be able to get anything done, again.