Some things that I liked in order of most important to least important:
* I thought the controls in the game were prettty simple. I quickly learned how to play the game very easily. I also liked the fact that you told the controls in the game, and did not just expect the player to look at the description for the controls. Also, the controls were explained very clearly in a basic matter.
* I liked the polish of the attack. The sound effect and the way the screen shaked when I pressed the attack button made me feel powerful, and I liked feeling that.
* I liked the UI of the game because it was simple, clear, and did not clutter the game. It added to the feel of the game, and did not detract from the experience.
Some things I disliked about the game:
* There is an exploit in the game which makes the gameplay extremely easy. What I did in the game was that I just spammed the space bar continuously, and doing this made the gameplay a lot easier for me as I did not have to worry about dying. If a bullet was heading towards my direction, I was usually able to destroy the bullet easily as I was spamming the space bar.
* I disliked the fact that the player is shot at as soon as the player starts. When I first started and did not know about the exploit of the game, I just died as soon as I started a game. I thought that this was unfair as I did not even get a fair chance to grasp the concepts on how to play the game.
* The graphics are very distracting and detract from the experience. When I was first playing the game, I thought the background stars were part of the game and I was worried that they were bullets. Also, I did not even know where I was when I first started. After a couple of games, I later on found out that I was the object that looked like a crosshair and I was not one of the space ships in the game.