I've been pressing download on all the items I've been ignoring from the Bundle, (99%) of them, and took me 3 f*****ng days to unlock them all.
Ironically I discovered (twice) I had bought again a game at a later date, because I didn't know I already had it. -_-U
So the "Add the whole bundle to your library" button should be already been done, or at least add in each bundle a page with a table (a mere text one) with all the content of the bundle at once, so I could use CTRL+F to search for a game/asset and check if I already own it.
Also It would be nice if you could, when listing your purchases, difference between "true purchases" (buy a single game) and "claimings" (you buy a bundle, and then later claim the games it contains). Right now individual claimings and buyings are mixed together, while bundles are separated.
I would split them in transactions (singles or bundles), linked with iths paypal/payment method refference and date, and then claimings side. Pretty sure it would help organization if you someday start to implement a checkout cart like all other digital shops. -_-U