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Just uploaded a version with all new physics -- including stronger gravity and faster player movements. I'd love it if you'd give it a try and let me know what you think of the changes.
Hope you're doing well!



 Sorry for the late reply, just got some time to play. I really enjoyed the changes, and it feels a lot smoother right now!  

One little piece of feedback I'd have is that, although the platforming sections difficulty is fine, they can be very punishing of mistakes. I'd love if there were less instant killing traps. That could even come with a reduction on total health, that way you could balance how many mistakes a player could make for a certain distance between save points. On that same note, I got really frustrated on a section were a key was far away from the lock (near the elevator area). Having to redo the whole section for every mistake makes it frustrating, so it would be nice if there was some leeway.

As of the last time I played, the visual are great and I love how surreal the world feels! Do you have a release date in mind for the full version?


Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll totally think of some ways to address your point about granting additional leeway.

I dont have a date in mind as of yet, but I'd like to aim for 1 year. I wanted to get these early levels well polished and learn from feedback so that I could apply those lessons to the full game.

Thanks again so very much for taking the time to play and write back! Really appreciate you.