Congrats on the first jam!
There's not much of a game to talk about, but you certainly did well for a complete beginner, hope you'll keep improving. From my experience, Unity is too big and too clunky of an engine to do something impressive during a jam.
I personally use GameMaker: Studio 1.4 Pro, it can't be purchased anymore, but it's lightning fast at getting the game done. Your game could be finished in it within 10 minutes max, without using any programming, without being a pro. A pro would cut the time to 1-2 minutes. The engines bussines model is meh, but the engine itself is excellent, very easy to use and fast to show results. My jam game is of course made with GMS 1.4, you can go check it out to see what I'm talking about.
Sorry that my comment turnt into a rant, but in my opinion Unity isn't the best engine for beginners, and it's quite terrible for Jams.