Sure that's fine.
So - to reach the oasis I actually had to do two things in addition to removing the curse you mentioned before.
I had to actually use the examine command on the makeshift "map" within the vicinity of the above event and then also make sure I used the examine command on the "story telling" art in said same vicinity. The path then opens with no issues and works perfectly as specified in the aforementioned makeshift "map"
Otherwise - you die one move before being able to reach it no matter what you do.
When I finally reached the destination, I didn't save and reloaded to test this theory -- before doing the above, upon reloading, I would die one move too soon as mentioned.
Once complete, reached again no issues.
Hope this helps!
After figuring this out, I have since finished the game, btw. Once again a fantastic conclusion (and admittedly a pretty tricky ending sequence that really made me think about past experiences, uses of certain things and even how they functioned when incorrectly used and causing death instead). Skydoor anyone?
You guys are talented!!