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Thank you, I really appreciate that. That actually helps a lot. I'm so glad you care about our game, that means so much. Glad you like the conclusion too.
Fun Fact: After making Infested I was planning on making a game that took place entirely within a Circus, but I couldn't quite figure out a story or how to design a coherent map around the concept, so I scrapped the idea. When I eventually decided to brainstorm another game concept and came up with Arabian Nights (I got the idea from looking at a Persian rug my grandfather gave me) and as we were making the game it was slowly becoming an unofficial prequel to Uninvited (NES), so I then decided to recycle some of the early 20th century Circus sections set in North America at the start and end to place it close to the events and location of Uninvited in order to tie the two games together further. So in total there are 8 direct references to the NES game. 

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Moreso THANK YOU for now two amazing experiences with as best of preservation of the original feel as possible.

I have looked for other games like these online in the past -- never have I found anything (including one that costed $1.99 and totally sucked due to being highly incomplete in my opinion) like these. I am actually doing a runthrough of Infested now. That one will always ring home to me and I think will always be my true favorite because it is the first game of true quality I had ever found that put so much effort into preserving the true "MacVenture/ICOM adventure" feel. I showed one of my closest family members that day and they were as shocked as I was. We both ended up playing and completing both it and Spectacle and he even asked me if I heard anything about the 3rd game the other day :). I am super excited to say the least and looking forward to whenever it comes out :)

Spectacle's conclusion was TRICKY indeed and made you think, but, there is not a single aspect of it that one couldn't figure out with some critical analysis and that was a really good time figuring that out.

Truthfully the only overly odd puzzle to me was the one to complete to cross the desert for the first time. It seems the indication was to speak a certain dialogue based on as written. If interpreted that way and you reach the desert, nothing happens. In these cases, maybe a little hint you're using an item incorrectly or something would have been a little clearer is all. Suggestion only -- doesn't change a single iota of fantasticness of this game!

The story behind the creation of Spectacle is pretty awesome - it's interesting where inspiration can come from sometimes :). I think the tie-ins of the circus and other world worked perfectly and made for a much more expansive and intriguing game for sure.

Admittedly, I did miss one thing and had been wondering. I did recall this game was an unofficial prequel to Uninvited, but I think I missed some of the connections. I got the gem, the creature and an ending gesture (nice touch and references). The one thing I didn't understand was the location tie-in. Are you saying the circus itself is actually supposed to be located in Scotland?

/edit - final thought - you should charge a couple bucks for your 3rd game honestly. The quality you and team deliver has been proven and I'd gladly pay a small entry fee for the 3rd installment :)

Thanks again for the super kind words.
Sorry, I worded that wrong regarding the location. It WAS in North America, but I then shifted it to Scotland and reworded a few things and changed a few sprites. I even included a nod to my father's side of the family from Scotland, but that's a VERY subtle reference that no one outside my family would get. 

Your input on the desert crossing puzzle is excellent. I love hearing feedback like this cause it lets me know how to approach puzzles in the future. The third game is actually a much bigger project and a joint effort with a small studio, but it's still a secret as of now, so I can't say anything else other than it'll still be a humble NES-style MacVenture, just a tad more ambitious than the last two. We're planning on announcing it sometime in the New Year and it will in fact cost money (no amount decided yet) and it'll most likely get a wider release as well as here on itch(.)io, either through Steam/GOG or even console (fingers crossed)

Thanks again for all of your comments. Let me know if you have any other feedback, it's always welcome and I can't wait to share the 3rd game when it's announced!

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Ah - I think I am starting to pick it up now!

So you leave the circus and crash your car on the way home.... Uninvited then begins. I almost feel bad for the character if that's the case XD.

I am glad to help if I could. It is the absolute least I can do in return for your team's work on these amazing adventures (I finished Infested tonight again -- actually did forget a few things too but I made it through and what a gem as always :) )

For your 3rd installment, if you do open any sort of pre-orders, please count me in. I don't know if you have an email distribution list I could sign up to, but, im totally in.

Oh and one more thing I think you'd appreciate (just so you know how avid of a fan I am of these games. Don't worry - not a crazy person LOL - moreso just a lifelong collection goal because I grew up with these games).

Here's my original ICOM shrine. All games are brand new/factory sealed (the Famicom versions were never shrink-wrapped but were also never played either).

You know, if you ever did boxed versions of the trilogy once complete, i'd pick one up for the collection -- GrahfVentures are worthy to share the same space in my opinion :)

Have a great evening!

Absolutely amazing! Love the collection. I one day hope to have our games on physical format. We'll see how this third game does. Also, you're like the 4th person to use the term "GrahfVenture" since I started all of this and that always makes my day and brings a huge smile to my face. Thanks :D

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Well thank you - it was a challenging "adventure", but well worth it in the end. I hope to acquire good copies of the famicom Uninvited and JP GBC Deja Vu 1&2, but I doubt that's gonna happen. Either or, I am pleased for sure :)

Shadowgate is one of the only memories I have from when I was around 5 years. I got picked up from school, went to my grandmas, went into my younger uncle's room and asked him to try.

He guides me to the 3rd room and is like "DONT FORGET THE BOOK" - then I obviously die and he laughs his rear off and admits he only did that because he wanted me to go away. Classic.

Regarding GrahfVenture - you've more than earned it. These are the new generation ICOM games and I bet even the original creators themselves would be (if not already have been) impressed :)

Please do let me know if you do release physical copies of the games too - I do mean what I said - I think any avid ICOM/MacVenture fan would agree that the new generation GrahfVenture games are totally worthy to sit next to the originals in any situation.

Also - are you possibly planning to accept any pre-orders for the 3rd installment? I'd really like to secure a license-to-play -- even if it's a bit before the game comes out :)

Take care and enjoy your weekend!