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Nice idea and aesthetic with the whole drawing style. I would maybe like if the whole screen was like the paper and there weren't borders, and if maybe the ball stayed at the same sort of blurriness as the levels? Once I worked out what was the goal and what was the danger I had a good time playing! If the charge was a bit faster it might've worked a bit better, it was a little frustrating if I rolled into the black dots while trying to charge a jump.

Overall, nice idea and take on the foddian genre, and good work!


Thanks so much for the good feedback! I absolutely wanted the whole screen to be the paper, but I needed to write some custom camera code for that and ran out of time! Such is the nature of jam games :) The speed of rotation and charge was very deliberate, but yeah it can be super frustrating at times. I will play around with some different values for that to see if anything plays better!