I love the music and art and the different abilities feel really good to use. The only problem I had was that I couldn't tell what I was supposed to do when Randy showed up while I was playing. After two games I went through the big bro's texts and found out I could store candy at home but it would've been really nice to have that info before I started since it's key to getting a decent score. There didn't seem to be any reason to go home except for respawning after getting caught by Randy (which felt pretty awful tbh) so I don't think I would have figured that out on my own. Without reading the texts my instinct was to fight him off like any other kid so it was a bit upsetting to find out that what I thought was a special death animation was just him being stunned for a bit. But I do think there's a great game in this, and just changing how that info is delivered would make it a much better experience!