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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love that players get the option to bind the pieces how they want to, it really adds a level of expression to the gameplay!

You guys definitely nailed it in terms of vibe! The art style and music work together to create a world I'd love to see expanded. It'd be nice to be able to move while recovering from a hit to get yourself into a better position after a mistake and I think there could be more contrast between the colors on the health bar to help better show how much damage you can take, but otherwise this is really solid! I hope you all keep making awesome games!

Mode 7 was actually one of our initial inspirations! We only had 2d artists but didn't want to limit ourselves to 2d gameplay so taking inspiration from Mode 7 was the obvious choice in our eyes. The balance definitely could use more tweaking since spawns are almost entirely random. But thanks so much for playing!

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! There were power ups in early discussions or a dash that recharges to pull K-9 away, but unfortunately they fell to the cutting room floor during the jam. It's definitely an idea we'll revisit if we work on the game further. I'm glad you had fun!

It was very hard to find the time and space to wait for a new entity to get absorbed once there were more than three or four enemies on screen, especially since the blue ones pushed you whenever they fired, but other than that it was a lot of fun!

Not bad! But I think the game bugs if I don't kill all the enemies soon enough. I had to restart cus they disappeared and the next wave never spawned.

Nice and simple, very well executed! It seemed like enemies spawned less in the apocalypse so that part felt a lot easier, and having some background music would help, but otherwise it's a good entry!

I like the auto fire and I think the art and sound effects are well done, but splitting my attention between looking at the ship and the virtual joystick was very hard. I think there's a really fun game in there if you just reassess the control scheme.

I wasn't able to get far because the controls were very hard for me to get a grasp on, I was never ready for my dash to get cancelled and I think up to jump would have been a nice option. But stylistically it's really solid! I love the sprite work, music and sound effects!

I left a comment on your video as well, but thanks all lot! The audio was admittedly a bit of an afterthought. I'd spent a lot of time on menus and spent the last few hours of the jam making sure that I got as much of the artists' work in as possible. I'm definitely gonna prioritize audio a bit more for my next jam though.

The controls were hard to grasp and I wasn't always sure why I got a game over at times. But I do like the idea and the art and music are great! Congrats on finishing your first jam!

I'm impressed by the sheer amount of content in here, even for a full team of four that's crazy! My only real complaint is that it would've been nice to have a different song for the mini-games since the one song gets a bit boring over long play sessions. But other than that this is absolutely delightful!

Aesthetically this game is really solid (though the option to turn down the bloom might be appreciated by some) and the paddles feel nice and responsive. The sound of the ball getting hit got a bit repetetive though so I'd definitely recommend a bit of variation there, just making different objects have different sounds would help a lot. I was very surprised by the sudden nyan cat, definitely keep that, but a bit of ambient music when that's not playing would be a welcome addition. Great submission though! Definitely something to be proud of!

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This was quite the frantic game and I still don't think I fully got a feel for it but running around with hordes of demons chasing me was a ton of fun! I'm not sure if I was supposed to be able to move in the death room though. The camera moved outside of it while I was still running around so I was very confused about where I was supposed to be at first. Also I was really enjoying the look of the game!

I initially tried playing the web version and thought it was fun but had some trouble understanding until I installed the PC build and realized how much I was missing and it made much more sense! I really like designs for the pieces and it was a lot of fun planning around my next piece. All this is missing is satisfying sound effects and it'd be perfect!

Man this was hard but really good! The aesthetic is amazing, the game was easy to understand and the music was a great fit!

I loved the sprites and it was a lot of fun seeing all the dinos run around when I had a strong population! I think the music choice could've been better though. The main song was fine (though  it didn't sell me personally on the theme of the game) but music on the card select screen was rather jarring so I had to mute it after a while. Otherwise, it was a pretty good jam entry, congrats!

I love the art style, but the lack of guidance was really confusing. I didn't know what different combinations did so I had no idea how to increase my stats once I noticed them dropping. I would die for the angels though, they're adorable!

I loved the cohesive aesthetic and music. Plus the gem collecting sound was some A1 stuff! I replayed a few times just because of how satisfying the line of gems on the ladder stage was lol.

Man, my math skills aren't what they used to be, but this was still a lot of fun! The gameplay is deceptively easy and there was definitely a sense of "Well, I can't be that bad" when I saw how far I was from the top of the leaderboard which made me try again. Turns out I really was that bad though haha. Awesome game all around!

This was fun! I think the simple gameplay is perfectly suited for a high score challenge though it would've been nice to get a better indicator of where the hitboxes actually are since I'd hit a few obstacles  that I thought I'd managed to just dodge. But congrats on getting a game out!

This is a cool concept! The gameplay is simple enough to pick up without instructions and the timing element makes it a fun challenge! My only issue is that there didn't seem to be any indication of or way to influence how a cannon ball travelled once it was fired so it was a bit frustrating to line up what looked like a perfect shot and watch the ball curve off to the side. But all in all, great work!

I tried a few times (got stuck on small islands with only ground speed most of them) but didn't really get a grasp for the game. I finally got a map I could explore when I loaded in on the water with the right speed (did load on water with ground speed once) and it was cool to finally be able to find enemies and attack them but I wasn't able to figure out more than that. Still congrats on getting something in under the wire!

This was a really cool idea, but I think the balance is maybe a little bit off. I got well past 3 million and the rounds were getting pretty long even when I stopped upgrading. I assume you lose when your whole wave gets killed but I think I made them too strong to find out lol. Absolutely love the art style and music! Great job!

I'm not much of a point and click adventure guy so it was a lot of aimless clicking at times, but this was cool! I especially liked character designs. It would've been nice to be able to talk to them for hints and stuff, but I saw that you lost a day to other commitments so I get it. Congrats on what you were able to do though!

Thanks so much! Reactions like these are why I love making games :)

It took me a bit to understand what the goal was but once I did it was really easy to enter a flow state. If you end up developing this further I'd definitely recommend adding a special effect if all three plants need the same thing at once to make it feel extra satisfying when you hit the right button there.

I was surprised by the level of polish here! The pixel art is amazing and the use of lighting really contributed to the police state setting, the music and sound perfectly capture how tense trying to sneak by the guards feels and I didn't notice any bugs while playing. Unfortunately, I do have to dock points on the theme since documenting the truth doesn't quite match in my opinion. The dictators lie's never really affect the gameplay or the player's perception so while I can see how you could get from 'it is not real' to 'uncover the truth' it does feel like the original theme was lost a bit. But this was still an amazing experience and I could easily see you guys turning this idea into a full game if you wanted!

This was really fun! I loved the story and animations especially.

The game is a bit rough, but it's a good start and I think you could definitely make improvements in the future

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---Heavy spoilers for people who haven't played it yet---

You could either interpret it as 'the shooting gallery is not real' since it's not actually a western setting with cardboard cutouts, or you could see it as the game telling you that 'the bandits are not real people' by hiding them under the cutout illusion.

And I caught this just before going to bed, but I'll be sure to check out your game when I wake up!

It was super fun racing back out after planting the bomb but it was a bit frustrating trying to infiltrate. Enemies seemed to notice me before they were on screen so it was annoying getting shot at while I couldn't tell exactly where to shoot back without running towards them. Also it would've been nice to know how reloading works beforehand. At first I didn't even know I could reload and thought I didn't have enough bullets to get into firefights and even after finding that I do reload I wasn't sure if there was a way to trigger it or if it just happened after a certain period of time. But despite my complaints I still had fun overall!

Thank you for playing! I'll be sure to check out your game as soon as I'm on my computer!

No need to apologize, no one really knows what they're doing for their first game jam lol. Just try your best and have fun! I'm looking forward to what you make in the future!

If you don't mind a bit of advice, it might be better to make less levels and focus a bit more on the gameplay for the next one. While 25 levels is super impressive, most people expect jam games to be on the shorter end. Try for 3-5 really solid levels next time cus you can always add more after the jam :)

I've been writing the music for my games when I can so I definitely get wanting to improve. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll get better in no time!!

That was a really good twist! I think the platforming was a bit punishing considering we were also supposed to be reading dialogue, and if you missed a jump it took the wife a while to catch up to you so you might miss a few lines if that happens. I would've liked the jump to go just a little bit further t make some jumps easier, but it's not too hard as is. The story was really good and I also really liked the art style. It's a great experience all around!

It's a cool concept, but I didn't notice any indication as to which panels were real or fake so it was just guessing which doesn't make for very rewarding gameplay. If you give the player a few hints they'll feel smarter for noticing things and it'll feel more fair when they miss them. But still, you did a lot of work to make 25 levels and it looks pretty good! That's something you should be proud of!

There's a good idea here, but it's a bit hard to aim where you throw your pet. Also I got stuck in a platform lol. Also the pet is super cute!