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Thanks for playing! Yeah it's supposed to be a little ambiguous what you're "supposed" to do :) I'm not sure if it's accomplishing the purpose I intended though. Did you ever arrive at a kind of "resignation"(maybe not the right word) to enjoy the scenery for a bit and then quit when you felt ready to move on?

(1 edit) (+1)

I did just kind of wander around and enjoy the seasons changing.. Couldn't figure out the farming aspect. maybe a tutorial would have been nice. I liked digging holes though! :)

If you could please try my game out and review it, I would love to know what you think!


Yeah I made some signs as a half-way tutorial after some feedback, but I probably needed some little animations or something :sigh:

I'll play yours first! I'm gonna try to play as many as I can but I doubt I'll get through them all. Thanks friend!