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I'm an absolute fan of the visuals which I think work really well in sending the message about rubbish piling up! It's not only a great message, but also a good UX choice.

The variety of rubbish in the game is impressive and adds a whole level of depth to the game too! Though I did sometimes find myself forgetting the control scheme so an in-game UI to remind me would go a long way.

There is a lot of depth and content for a game produced in 72 hours, great job!


Thanks a lot for the feedback and kind words. It's true that some UI, that would remind the controls would be a good addition gameplay-wise, but this was the way we tried to show that recycling can sometimes be confusing. Not knowing exactly what to throw where is one of the reasons why many people do not recycle at all.

We are glad you enjoyed the game :)

Oh I didn't think about that, that's quite a good way of looking at it