I love the new plant combination gimmick a lot.
Jokes aside, this is actually pretty fun and enjoyable for what its worth.
Ok, I'm more relaxed now so I'll answer as a normal dev would.
(Btw thanks for letting me know about the bug, I couldn't find it but found a similar one. The extra addons should've fixed it now. More details on the comment below.)
Hi there! Mailchan! You're both my first follower and the first person to comment on one of my games main page, thanks for taking the effort to post something. I really appreciate it and it was unexpected for me when I saw the notification.
Glad to see you enjoyed the game! I would've liked to include some other things like the wallnut decreasing its state, but I ran out of events so the game just stayed the way it is now. This actually encourages me to create a version with assets of mine in case EA takes this down.
If you got any suggestion or want me to re-create the game with other plants (It will probably still remain as 4 plants though since I'm broke and can't get past 100 events.) or zombies, just let me now!
Hey, now that I read again, you shouldn't be able to plant anything above other plants. My bad! I'll try to check it again and see what's wrong, luckily it will be fixed by the end of the day.
Edit: So, I played my own game again, and you can place a plant of the same type above another one. However, I couldn't get the plant combination bug. Did you know exactly what happened? If you don't, don't worry, I'll try to figure out myself but it would actually be useful. Maybe I can fix it, maybe I can't (I can't actually means I could if I got the premium version). Still, it doesn't hurt to try :D
Edit 2: The bug I encountered has been fixed. It should've fixed the bug you've found as well. If it hadn't, I'd be thankful if you let me know. Again, no problem if you don't, but still. Btw I hope you like having your name saved for eternity on the description for helping me spotting a bug :D (seriously though if you want it removed, just let me know.)
Still, you've helped me much! Really thank you!
I'm no expert, but I believe it might be some sort of memory issue. I like to tab out (or in this case, switch tabs) to fix Youtube or whatever, and I think I found out what happened.
So, after placing your plants, I imagine that the plant takes up a tile, which disallows other plants from being placed there. However, if you were to switch tabs, the game seems to forget that those tiles are full, but the plants remain, allowing for Plant Stacks(tm).
Thanks for the explanation. After checking again, it hasn't been fixed. I trully don't know why the game forgets the tiles are full, but your explanation seems to make sense. Hopefully I'll get to fix it. Seriously though I don't know why this sometimes work and sometimes doesn't. I even found the bug you just got. I'll check again and try to get it fixed. Again, thanks for letting me know.
Actually, I think I know what the problem was. I put over 3 checks just to confirm that a tile is ocupied because sometimes the game just won't recognize it for some reason. What happens (or what I think was happening, was that one of those checks was if one plant was over another object, which was the tiles. However, what I didn't realize as I made the tiles invisible (so the background tiles would seem as the actual tiles) was that actually, the plants were created on a lower layer than the tiles, thus a plant would never be above said tile, which could cause an error. If this doesn't solve it then I don't know what it could be. Hopefully the new version won't have any bugs.
Edit: I uploaded it and it seems it has been fixed. At least the bug I found before seems fixed, and luckily, the bug you found is so.
I just uploaded it again. Could you check it now please? I confused the file before and accidentally put the same one as the old version.
Fr*ck. I think the new version solved it but now I ranned into another bug.
Nevermind I think it was just some other thing. Still I would like you to see if the main bug was fixed. I understand if you're tired but it would really help me.
Forget it, the bug is still there. I'm pretty much gonna stay here a long time, I would actually recommend you to just go and do other stuff, I have actually made you lose a lot of time.