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I really like the concept and I think it fits the theme nicely. The only downside is the controls for me. In a game like this, the controls must be on point because it’s the main mechanic. I got the hang of it and manage to go pretty quickly but it would need a bit more forgiveness in some cases.

it’s lacking a bit of visuals and audio stuff but it’s a game jam so it’s ok.

One last point: I would have played more on the “your part of an experiment” thing. I like the dialogs for example, it would have been nice to have more stuff about how we’re doing as a player. For example at the end of each level, we could have a timer, a die count, a jump count, etc.. And the AI could rate us based on how we did.

Congrats for the submission!


Thanks for your comment. A die count and timer were planned and even half finished but due to exams and work I only had a day to work on the project and unfortunately couldn't finish them.

I also intentionally tried to make the controls not be the main mechanic of the game and focus more on the camera and block movement and therefore didn't realise the negative impact of no diagonal movement for some players