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(3 edits) (+2)

Soo now that I could play it (sorry for the confusion) - This game is awesome! You really nailed the theme and the introduction and bridge to it is great, love the little text. Short but meaningful. Yes indeed, twisting problems in your head until they are solved and make sense. Just great! The visuals are amazing too, love the lines, the circle and the black hole finish. Special bonus points for the details like the stars having trails once you turn the perspective. The puzzles getting very tricky but I was hooked till the end - and i am really not the puzzle type of person! :D

Oh and the music and SFX are very nice too!

Really nothing to complain about - if i want to be picky i would say moving the circle along the lines was a little bit hard, it stopped a lot of times for me when i tried to pull a straight line.

Amazing game everyone! Congrats! This would be an amazing mobile game for sure. You should think about releasing a polished longer version of this in the App store.

**As a Mac user you need to type in

xattr -d

into the terminal and drag and drop you App into the terminal for the path at the end. This will give the application special permission to run. It was a safety problem with Big Sur. Otherwise the App won't run.**


Try this, it worked with another commenter.


Playing right now - see my edited comment. :) Thanks for the help anyway!


So I just edited the comment to a proper review. Amazing game! Congrats.


Oh and by the way - I think all of you totally rock because - how cool is that - you released the whole game as open-source project! Really inspiring, maybe I should do the same haha. That's the spirit!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for the kind words! Means a lot to me coming from one of the creators of one of my favorite games of this jam! And yeah, dragging the ball was a little annoying, during development it had a ton of problems, and fixing them caused the ball to get released constantly while dragging it. At least it's not a big deal, won't cause you to lose the game or anything, it's just annoying. Getting the difficulty curve right was hard too, I didn't wanted the game to be easy enough that puzzles would solve themselves if you kept messing around randomly but I also didn't wanted them to be super hard, and achieving it was hard, I was lucky I had friends and time to play test it a bit.


I think you did a great job with the difficulty curve (at least for me, and im not a trained puzzle game player) and that's something super hard to accomplish! The mouse dragging is a bit annoying indeed but thats complaining on a high level.
I can also just say the same, thanks for the very kind words and your game is def one of my jam favorites!