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For multiplayer, See walkthrough below:
The current map supports up to 4 players.

For the Host

The host selects 'New Multiplayer Game' and heads to the map select screen.

There is only one map, so just click 'next'.

Once in, the Host can set the settings for the game and wait for the client player.

Once the client enters the room and hits 'ready' on their end, the Host can make some final changes to the settings and hit "start" to begin the game.

For the Client

Click 'Join Game'.

Just enter the hosts IP and click connect.

You can do this via Hamachi. First the host and client need to join the same Hamachi network. Then the client can just copy the IP address of the host.

Alternatively, if both computers are on the same wifi network, you can play directly without Hamachi. The Host can use the command prompt, enter the 'ipconfig/all' command and look up their LAN IP to share with the client player.

The client player enters the room. They can set their settings and then hit "ready". After hitting ready, they can hit 'unready' to change their settings.

Afterwards, the Host can start the game on their end.

For single player:
You can play against one or multiple 'Swarm AI', which will spawn units infinitely and attack your base, gradually increasing in difficulty.

Curranty, the game is not optimized, and you will need around 8Gs of RAM and 3.5Gs of VRAM. You can still try it if you want, the game will just gracefully crash when you hit either limit.

Cheers and I hope you give the game a try. New features, improvements and content are just around the corner.