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It looks charming. Just a few pointers.

Theme Implementation:

Temperature plays a role, so that's good.

Special Feature Implementation:

You have a clock, but that might as well have been something else.

Fun Factor and Gameplay:

There are a few frustrating things holding this game down. I think the main issue is the camera, which doesn't move until you're right at the edge. Making a good camera can be hard, but you really didn't have to make a good camera; just having a camera that centres the player at all times would have worked here.

A second problem is the hitbox. It's too big. Parts where it looks like you should be able to walk through you get stuck on, and you get hit by enemies and fire all the time when it looks like it shouldn't have hit you. 

Finally, there's the fact that all enemies respawn. I don't think this is a problem perse, though I really don't think the fire and (ice?) walls should respawn, but respawning enemies should have a tell for when they're about to come back (think dry bones from Mario), otherwise they'll just waltz right into your hitbox.




5/5 worthy.

(Oh yeah, just one more thing: amok is one word and you don't drive amok, you run amok :))

thank you so much for the feedback, English isn't my first lenguaje so thank you very much for the correction I'll update the game page :) I know I messed up the camara I had it working where it centered around the player but then I made a dumb last minute change and made it like that :c, the enemies don't respawn it was supposed to be that you change the temperature of the entity for a short amount of time hence the clock hahah, that's why the walls re freez after a little bit, should have done some animations as you suggested to convey that in a more visual manner, thanks soo much for the feedback and for playing my game, I'm super happy just by the thought that people play it and leave super helpful comments for my future game jams!